Lash Extension Aftercare is so Important
Proper aftercare plays a vital role in the retention of your lash extensions and the overall health of your natural lashes.
Make sure to wash your lashes regularly, at least twice daily, once when you wake up and once before you go to bed.
Brushing lash extensions keeps the lashes neat, untangled and separated. Consider keeping an eyelash brush on you.
This will damage not only the extensions, but the natural lashes as well. Pulling your lash extensions may lead to bald spots that may never grow back.
Make sure to get refills every 2-3 weeks. This is a must if you want to ensure your lashes look gorgeous for longer, and in great condition.
Any oil-based makeup or skincare will affect the adhesive bond of the lashes. Avoid using these products on or near your lashes.
Mascara is added stress to the extensions which will put a strain on the adhesive as well as on your natural lashes. The removal itself is a difficult process that can lead to the extensions falling prematurely.
Curling the lashes can damage and even lift them off. There is no need to use a curler as lash extensions are already curled.
Eyelash extensions should not come into contact with anything, including your pillow. Avoid sleeping on your side and face. While sleeping on your back may not be ideal for everybody, consider investing in sleep masks specifically designed for those with eyelash extensions.